Easy Steps for Successful NAS Drive Recovery

How do I get my files back from a RAID-based NAS? Your data on the NAS hard drive will be recovered with the BLR NAS data recovery tool. Get the hard drive out of the NAS and turn it off. Then, use our NAS data recovery software to quickly scan for and get back files. […]
Strategies for Recovering Formatted Hard Drives of 1GB

Here’s what customers needed to do to recovering formatted hard drives of 1GB Simply put, stop using the formatted hard drive as soon as possible to avoid accidentally overwriting the data. Persistent usage may make data recovery more challenging. Don’t Write New Data: Make sure that the formatted hard drive does not receive any new data. […]
NAS Recovery With BLR Tools On A Budget

Introduction In this modern world, NAS recovery plays a vital role. Data is important in almost every part of our lives, both at work and at home. As the amount of data created every day grows, storage options are needed. People and companies often use network-attached storage (NAS) to store and share large amounts of […]